Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Eight Pieces of Pizza

Wife: Don’t put so many clothes for wash today

Husband: Why ?

She said : Maid has said she won’t come for two days

Husband :Why ?

Wife : She said she is going to meet her granddaughter during Ganpati festival

Husband : OK, Will not put too many clothes

Wife : And , Shall I give her Rs. 500 for Ganpati ? Festival bonus ?

Husband : Why ? Diwali is approaching , we will give her at that time..

Wife : Oh no dear . She is poor. Going to meet her daughter and granddaughter , so she will also feel nice. Moreover, everything has become so expensive these days. How will she able to celebrate festival ?

Husband : You ! I don’t know why you become emotional so easily

Wife : Oh dear, don’t worry .I am going to cancel today’s program of ordering Pizza. Why unnecessarily blow away Rs. 500 on eight pieces of stale bread.

Husband : Wow. Great .Snatching Pizza from us and giving to the maid !

Maid returned after three days and got busy in mopping and dusting.

Husband asked her

Husband : So, how was the vacation ?

Maid : very nice sahib.. Didi had given Rs 500 .. festival bonus.

Husband : So you went and met your daughter ? and also met y our granddaughter ?

Maid: yes sahib. Enjoyed a lot and spent Rs 500 in two days time.

Husband : Really ? Ok so what did you do with Rs. 500?

Maid : Rs. 150 for dress for granddaughter, Rs 40 for a doll, bought sweets worth Rs 50 for daughter, Rs 50 as offering to Deity in temple, Rs 60 towards bus fare….Rs 25 for bangles for daughter, bought a nice belt worth Rs 50 for son-in-law, balance Rs 75 gave to daughter to buy copy and pencil for granddaughter.
( Maid gave a full account of the expenses incurred )

Husband : so much in Rs 500?

With surprise, he started thinking….the eight pieces of Pizza appeared in front of his eyes and each one of them acted as a hammer started pricking his consciousness. For the price of one Pizza , he started comparing the expenses his maid had incurred during her visit to her daughter. The eight pieces of Pizza floated in front of his eyes. First piece .. dress for the child, second piece… towards sweets.. Third piece… towards offering to the deity in the temple. Fourth piece….towards bus fare. Fifth piece.. towards doll. Sixth piece towards bangles, seventh piece ,, towards belt for the son-in-law. Eight piece towards copy and pencil.

So far he had observed pizza only from one angle. He turned it upside down and observe how it looks like from the other side. .. but today his maid showed him the other side of the pizza…. The eight pieces of pizza showed him the real meaning of life..in an instant the meaning of “Spending for life” or “ Life for spending”. Think about it.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

7th pay Commission

गुरूजी विद्यालय से घर लौट रहे थे ।

रास्ते में एक नदी पड़ती थी ।

नदी पार करने लगे तो ना जाने क्या सूझा ,

एक पत्थर पर बैठ अपने झोले में से पेन और कागज निकाल अपने वेतन का  हिसाब  निकालने लगे ।


हाथ से पेन फिसला और डुबुक ….

पानी में डूब गया । गुरूजी परेशान ।

आज ही सुबह पूरे पांच रूपये खर्च कर खरीदा था ।

कातर दृष्टि से कभी इधर कभी उधर देखते ,

पानी में उतरने का प्रयास करते ,

फिर डर कर कदम खींच लेते ।

एकदम नया पेन था ,

छोड़ कर जाना भी मुनासिब न था ।


पानी में एक तेज लहर उठी ,

और साक्षात् वरुण देव सामने थे ।

गुरूजी हक्के -बक्के ।

कुल्हाड़ी वाली कहानी याद आ गई ।

वरुण देव ने कहा , ”गुरूजी, क्यूँ इतने परेशान हैं ।

प्रमोशन , तबादला , वेतनवृद्धि ,क्या चाहिए ?

गुरूजी अचकचाकर बोले , ” प्रभु ! आज ही सुबह
एक पेन खरीदा था ।

पूरे पांच रूपये का ।

देखो ढक्कन भी मेरे हाथ में है ।

यहाँ पत्थर पर बैठा लिख रहा था कि पानी में गिर गया

प्रभु बोले , ” बस इतनी सी बात ! अभी निकाल
लाता हूँ ।”

प्रभु ने डुबकी लगाई ,

और चाँदी का एक चमचमाता पेन लेकर बाहर आ गए ।

बोले – ये है आपका पेन ?

गुरूजी बोले – ना प्रभु । मुझ गरीब को कहाँ ये
चांदी का पेन नसीब । ये मेरा नाहीं ।

प्रभु बोले – कोई नहीं , एक डुबकी और लगाता हूँ

डुबुक …..

इस बार प्रभु सोने का रत्न जडित पेन लेकर आये।

बोले – “लीजिये गुरूजी , अपना पेन ।”

गुरूजी बोले – ” क्यूँ मजाक करते हो प्रभु ।

इतना कीमती पेन और वो भी मेरा । मैं टीचर हूँ ।

थके हारे प्रभु ने कहा , ” चिंता ना करो गुरुदेव ।

अबके फाइनल डुबकी होगी ।

डुबुक ….

बड़ी देर बाद प्रभु उपर आये ।

हाथ में गुरूजी का जेल पेन लेकर ।

बोले – ये है क्या ?

गुरूजी चिल्लाए – हाँ यही है , यही है ।

प्रभु ने कहा – आपकी इमानदारी ने मेरा दिल जीत
लिया गुरूजी ।

आप सच्चे गुरु हैं । आप ये तीनों पेन ले लो ।

गुरूजी ख़ुशी – ख़ुशी घर को चले ।

कहानी अभी बाकी है दोस्तों —

गुरूजी ने घर आते ही सारी कहानी पत्नी जी को सुनाई

चमचमाते हुवे कीमती पेन भी दिखाए ।

पत्नी को विश्वास ना हुवा ,

बोली तुम किसी का चुरा कर लाये हो ।

बहुत समझाने पर भी जब पत्नी जी ना मानी

तो गुरूजी उसे घटना स्थल की ओर ले चले ।

दोनों उस पत्थर पर बैठे ,

गुरूजी ने बताना शुरू किया कि कैसे – कैसे सब हुवा

पत्नी एक एक कड़ी को किसी शातिर पुलिसिये की तरह जोड़ रही थी कि

अचानक …….

डुबुक !!!

पत्नी का पैर फिसला , और वो गहरे पानी में समा गई ।

गुरूजी की आँखों के आगे तारे नाचने लगे ।

ये क्या हुवा !

जोर -जोर से रोने लगे ।

तभी अचानक ……

पानी में ऊँची ऊँची लहरें उठने लगी ।

नदी का सीना चीरकर साक्षात वरुण देव प्रकट
हुवे ।

बोले – क्या हुआ गुरूजी ? अब क्यूँ रो रहे हो ?

गुरूजी ने रोते हु story प्रभु को सुनाई ।

प्रभु बोले – रोओ मत। धीरज रखो ।

मैं अभी आपकी पत्नी को निकाल कर लाता हूँ।

प्रभु ने डुबकी लगाईं ,

और …..
थोड़ी देर में

वो  कैटरीना को लेकर प्रकट हुवे ।

बोले –गुरूजी ।

क्या यही आपकी पत्नी जी है ??

गुरूजी ने एक क्षण सोचा ,

और चिल्लाए –

हाँ यही है , यही है ।

अब चिल्लाने की बारी प्रभु की थी ।

बोले – दुष्ट मास्टर ।

ठहर तुझे श्राप देता हूँ ।

गुरूजी बोले – माफ़ करें प्रभु ।

मेरी कोई गलती नहीं ।

अगर मैं इसे मना करता तो आप

अगली डुबकी में प्रियंका चोपड़ा को लाते ।

मैं फिर भी मना करता तो आप मेरी पत्नी को लाते ।

फिर आप खुश होकर तीनों मुझे दे देते ।

अब आप ही बताओ भगवन ,

इस महंगाई के जमाने में
7th pay Commission ने भी रुला दिया

अब मैं तीन – तीन बीबीयाँ कैसे पालता । इधर बेंको और ATM की लम्बी लाईनों के धक्के खाने के बाद सिर्फ दो हजार निकाल पाता हूं हुजूर।इन तीन तीन गृहलक्ष्मियों का बोझ प्रभू मुझसे नहीं उठेगा।
क्षमा करे प्रभू।
इसलिये सोचा , कैटरीना से ही काम चला लूँगा ।

प्रभु बेहोश होकर पानी में गिर गए थे ।

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Vanilla Ice Cream that puzzled General motors’!!!!

An Interesting Story

Never underestimate your Clients' Complaint, no matter how funny it might

This is a real story that happened between the customer of General Motors
and its Customer-Care Executive. Pls read on.....

A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors:

'This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for
not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a
tradition in our family of Ice-Cream for dessert after dinner each night,
but the kind of ice cream varies so, every night, after we've eaten, the
whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive
down to the store to get it. It's also a fact that I recently purchased a
new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a

You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice-cream, when I start back from the
store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car
starts just fine. I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no
matter how silly it sounds "What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not
start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any
other kind?" The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the
letter, but sent an Engineer to check it out anyway.

The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well
educated man in a fine neighborhood. He had arranged to meet the man just
after dinner time, so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice
cream store. It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after
they came back to the car, it wouldn't start.

The Engineer returned for three more nights. The first night, they got
chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The car
started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to start.

Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this man's
car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. He arranged, therefore, to continue
his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. And toward this end
he began to take notes: He jotted down all sorts of data: time of day, type
of gas uses, time to drive back and forth etc.

In a short time, he had a clue: the man took less time to buy vanilla than
any other flavor. Why? The answer was in the layout of the store. Vanilla,
being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the front of the
store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept in the back of the
store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to check out
the flavor.

Now, the question for the Engineer was why the car wouldn't start when it
took less time. E..ureka - Time was now the problem - not the vanilla ice
cream!!!! The engineer quickly came up with the answer: "vapor lock".

It was happening every night; but the extra time taken to get the other
flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man
got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate.

Even crazy looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem to be
simple only when we find the solution, with cool thinking.

Don't just say it is " IMPOSSIBLE" without putting a sincere effort....
What really matters is your attitude and your perception.

Moral of the Story "Try to Fix the Bug instead of making it as a Known
Real Great Story.....!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Good Lesson to become Entrepreneur

In Delhi, there was a Samosa vendor. His shop was in front of a Big company. His Samosa was so tasty.! Most of the employees use to eat that samosa at lunch time.

One day, a Manager came to that samosa wala. while he was eating samosa he comes in the fun mood.

he asks a question – yaar Raju, you have maintained your shop so nicely.
you have good management skills. don’t you think that you are wasting
your talent and time by selling just Samosas?

Think, if you were working like me in any big company. you would have been a manager like me isn’t ?

poor samosa wala… he smiled at the manager and said awesome lines.

Sir, I thought my work is better than your work. do u know why?
10 years back I used to sell samosa in tokari (Leaf basket). At same time you got this job. That time I was earning Rs. 1,000 in a month and your salary was 10K.
In this 10 years of journey, we did progress a lot.
I owned a shop and became famous samosa-wala in this area and you became a manager.
Now you are earning Rs. 1 lakh while I am earning same and sometimes more than you. So surely, I can say that my work is better than yours.
it’s because of my kids future.

Let me explain –
Please pay close attention to my word. I started my career at lowest income. my son doesn’t have to suffer the same. One day my son will take over my business. He doesn’t have to start from 0. He will get fully established business, but in your case, the benefits will be taken by your boss kids, not by your kids.
you can not offer your same post to your son /daughter. They have to start from 0. Whatever you have suffered 10 years ago, your kids have to suffer the same.

My son will extend my business from now and when your kid will be manager my son will be far away.

Now tell me who is wasting the Talent and Time.

Manager gave Rs.50 for two samosa’s and he didn’t speak any word and left.

Good Lesson to become Entrepreneur

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The world is full of Nice People... If you can't find one:Be one

Who is poor ?

*A wealthy woman goes to a saree store and tells the boy at the counter*

*Bhaiya, show some cheap sarees. It is my son's marriage and I have to give to my maid."*

*After sometime, the maid comes to the saree shop and tells the boy at the counter*

*Bhaiya, show some expensive sarees. I want to gift my Mistress on her son's marriage"*

*Poverty is in the mind or in the purse?*

Who is rich ?

*Once, a lady with her family was staying in a 3-star hotel for a picnic.*

*She was the mother of a 6 month old baby.*

*"Can I get 1 cup of milk?" asked the lady to the 3-star hotel manager.*

*"Yes madam", he replied, "But it will cost you money."*

*"No problem", said the lady.*

*While driving back from hotel, the child was hungry again.*

*They stopped at a road side tea stall and took milk from the tea vendor.*

*"How much?”*
*she asked the tea vendor*.

*"Madam, we don't charge money for kid's milk",*

*the old man said with a smile.*

*"Let me know if you need more for the journey"*

*The lady took one more cup and left.*

*She wondered, "Who’s richer ?*

*The hotel manager or the old tea vendor ?*

*Sometimes, in the race for more money, we forget that we are all humans.*

*Let's help someone in need, without expecting something in return.*

*It will make us feel better than what money can.*

*Coffee never knew that it would taste so nice and sweet, before it met milk and sugar.*

*We are good as individuals but become better when we meet and blend with the right people.*

*Stay connected.*

*"The world is full of nice people... If you can't find one*

*Be one*

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Story of a jobless millionaire

A jobless man applied for the job  of "sweeper" at Microsoft.

The HR interviewed him..

Then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

"You are Appointed" he said.

"Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the forms to fill in".

The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email."

"I'm sorry", said the HR manager...

"If you don't have an email, that means u do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."

The man left with no hope at all.

He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket.

He then decided to go to the supermarket & buy a 10Kg tomato crate.

He then sold the tomatoes in a Door to Door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital.

He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realised that he can survive this way, and started to go everyday earlier and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday.

Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles. 5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US .

He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life Insurance. He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.

When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied, "I don't have an email."

The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?!"

The man thought for a while and replied,
"Yes, I'd be an sweeper at Microsoft!"

Moral of the story:

1) Internet/email/bbm/whatsapp is not the solution to your life.

2) If you don't have facebook a/c., internet/email/bbm/whatsapp , and work hard, you can be a millionaire.

Does Evil Exist ?

In 1881, a professor asked his student whether it was God who created everything that exists in the universe?

_Student replied_: _Yes_
_He again asked:_
_What about evil?_
_Has God created evil also?_

The student got silent...
*Then the student requested that may he ask a question from him?*

_Professor allowed him to do so._

_Student asked: _

_Does cold exist?_

_Professor said: Yes! Don't you feel the cold dear?_

_Student said:  I'm sorry but you are wrong sir. _
_Cold is a complete absence of heat..._
_There is no cold, it is only an absence of heat._

*Student asked again:*
*Does darkness exist?*

*Professor Said:  Yes!*

*Student replied: you are again wrong* *sir. There is no such thing like darkness. It’s actually the absence of light.*

*Sir! We always study light & heat, but not cold & darkness.*

*Similarly, the evil does not exist. Actually it is the absence of Love, Faith & True belief in God.*

_The name of the student was..._